* Would you like to try the whole food plant-based diet but don't know how to get started?

* Need some inspiration, or guidance to stick to the whole food plant-based lifestyle?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then this 10-days meal plan is for you.

Every month, I creat a new meal plan that helps you get started and/or stick to the whole food plant-based lifetstyle. You receive delicious recipes made of seasonal ingredients without using oil, refined sugar, or any other refined ingredients.

What does the 10-days meal plant include?

  • 10-days meal plan with low-fat plant-based whole food breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes
  • Summary of macronutrient values at each recipe ​​(calories, carbohydrates, fat, protein)
  • Seasonal recipes
  • Personal support from me through Messenger

I have created this 10-days meal plan for those who want to try the whole food plant-based diet, or have been eating like this for a while, but sometimes get discouraged by unhealthy foods.

My goal with the monthly 10-days meal plan is to:

  • Help you implement the whole food plant-based diet
  • Help you stick to this lifestyle in a long run
  • Inspire you
  • Motivate you
  • Help you lose weight
  • Be Healthy

Enroll Now

Hi, my name is Miri, I am a plant-based health coach and recipe developer. I became certified in plant-based nutrition by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies by eCornell University.

After being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in November 2016, I spent a lot of time and energy finding the perfect diet to help control my blood sugar, improve my results, and achieve the healthiest myself ever.

That's how I came across the low-fat, plant-based whole food lifestyle, which is not only suitable for me, but it is the only lifestyle until today that has proven to reverse Type 2 Diabetes, PreDiabetes and Insulin Resistance efficiently, as well as helps reduce insulin needs and control type 1 diabetes. It has also proven to prevent and reverse cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer.

Since then, I've helped houndreds of people lose weight, cure their disease and regain their health through my online courses and meal plans.

I’m very obsessed with this lifestyle and I have a passion to help as many people as possible to maintain or regain health, get rid of excess weight, reverse their illness and live an active life.